67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

12. The Corny Sex Scene - The Terminator

No Terminator fan can possibly deny the importance of the sex scene between Sarah and Kyle, but that doesn't mean it's not incredibly corny and easily the worst part of the first film. The set-up, as Kyle tells Sarah that he's in love with her and "came across time for ", is one thing, but the actual sex itself is set to a strangely tender piano rendition of the series' iconic theme, the shot selection is more unintentionally funny than anything (that particular shot featured above), and the constant glimpses of them holding hands mid-coitus is pretty cringe-worthy. Again, it's a pivotal scene in the context of the series, but Jesus Jim, did it need to feel like something out of a Lifetime movie (but with more nudity)?

11. "You Remind Me Of My Mother" - Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines

Because the T-850 tells Kate that she is not only John Connor's future second-in-command but also eventually his wife, the movie needs to start making hints towards that future, right? This leads to a hilarious but cheeseball scene in which Kate picks up a machine gun and takes down one of the Terminator drones chasing them around CRS. After doing so, John tells her, "You remind me of my mother", which given their future romantic pairing is both weird and creepy.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.