67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

64. The Opening Wall Of Text - Terminator Salvation

The fourth movie doesn't exactly get off to a great start, by inundating the viewer with a wall of text, a "story so far" summary which could've been so much more effective if a character had actually narrated it alongside something more visually interesting, just as Sarah Connor did in T2. Sure, it's not a deal breaker, but it's just the first of the film's many questionable directorial decisions.

63. The Terminator Rips A Dude's Heart Out - The Terminator

After the Terminator semi-politely asks the three punks (one of whom is played by Bill Paxton) for their clothes, they pull their weapons and a fight breaks out. The machine wins it easily, of course, most brutally when he picks one of the poor saps up with his hands and bores a hole into him, before pulling it out again along with a ton of blood and meaty chunks. There's been fan debate for decades as to whether the heart actually does get ripped out given that it's not clearly visible in the Terminator's hands afterwards, but given the motion and the position of his hand once he digs in, it seems pretty damn certain. A fantastically grim way to kick off the movie, anyway.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.