67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

62. John Connor's Constant Recasting - The Last Three Terminator Movies

It's crazy to think that, over the course of five movies, John Connor has been played by six different actors. Firstly, Michael Edwards played old John at the start of T2, then Edward Furlong played him as a youngster, and if you want to get technical, Dalton Abbott also played an infant John during Sarah's nightmare sequence in the movie. It's the last three movies where things get problematic, though, as each new sequel has seen another actor step up to play John Connor. T3 saw Nick Stahl replace Furlong due to the actor's unfortunate substance abuse problems, Terminator Salvation had Christian Bale step up to the plate, and after Terminator Genisys decided to go the reboot route, they again recast with Jason Clarke. They're all fine choices and nobody's embarrassed themselves in the part so far (and it's unlikely that an actor of Clarke's talent will), but the lack of consistency is incredibly frustrating, that not a single actor has hung onto the part for more than one movie.

61. The Insanely Dull Visuals - Terminator Salvation

The trailers for Salvation did a fantastic job up-selling the fact that it was going to be the future war movie everyone wanted since the first. While it did deliver some entertainingly futuristic action, it's a real shame that the film's so damn ugly to look at. Whereas the future war shown in the first two films had a rich, blue hue to it and there were colourful explosions and lasers shooting everywhere, the war in Salvation is a thoroughly muddy, bland mixture of grey and brown. Hell, even the explosions are largely de-saturated such that their impact is often diminished. It's just a very boring film to look at and doesn't "pop" like the first two films do in particular. T3 doesn't have especially remarkable cinematography, but it's more appealing than this.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.