67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

54. The T-X Kills Kids - Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines

If there's one way that T3 certainly did up the ante, it's in depicting the new Terminator as even more cold-blooded than the T-1000. The T-X's primary goal was to terminate all 23 of John Connor's lieutenants before they became active, so she kills a young man working at a fast food restaurant, and then goes to a house party and kills two more youngsters. Though the scenes aren't explicit at all, they're still a shocking and jarring way to get the audience's attention. It's just a shame that the movie as a whole wasn't this hard-edged, as these bursts of violence clashed harshly with the sillier comic relief peppered throughout.

53. Blatant Nike Product Placement - The Terminator

There thankfully aren't too many overly noticeable product placements in the Terminator series, though one of the most egregious occurs near the beginning of the first movie, when Kyle Reese (Michael Beihn) is hiding in a photo booth from police on the hunt for him. He lowers his feet down from the seat, putting in perfect view a pair of Nike sneakers for just enough time that the brand can embed itself into your brain. Still, it was a low-budget movie gambling on an original idea, so it can be pretty much forgiven that there's a little paid placement in there.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.