The 7.5 Most Shocking Movie Deaths Of 2013

2. Countless Innocents - Man Of Steel

Zack Snyder's reboot breathed new life into the Superman series, with a slightly darker and more dramatic approach to the origin story behind the Man of Steel. The movie ends with Superman facing off against the stupidly-named General Zod, in a hugely destructive battle around Metropolis. Despite the first half of the movie showing Clark Kent living a quiet life and saving people anonymously, he seems to completely forget about his primary motivation €“ the desire to protect €“ by the time Zod and his cronies roll into town. As the big fight scene continues, Superman is quite content to smash his way around Metropolis, seemingly unconcerned by the amount of damage being caused. Whilst we can't be shocked at the death of unknown people, the sheer scale of destruction inflicted by Superman and Zod is very out of place for a Superman movie. What happened to the genuine concern for human life that cost Lois Lane her life in the original Superman movie? It's a real surprise to see this Superman's dismissive attitude to the lives of thousands of people, yet show such concern for a handful of people that Zod is trying to melt with his laserbeam eyes.

Simon Spowart hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.