7 Actors Who Tried To Be Directors (And Totally Failed)

6. Johnny Depp

The title of Johnny Depp's single attempt at directing to date, The Brave, could easily be a statement about Depp himself, given the picture's grim subject matter: Depp plays a Native American man struggling to make a life for himself, his wife and their two children. In order to fix his situation, he agrees to be the star of a snuff film in exchange for $50,000, hoping that his sacrifice will buy his family a better life. The movie documents the week leading up to the film shoot. Sadly the movie suffers from glacial pacing which undercuts its rather shocking, visceral appeal. Depp, who co-wrote the movie, overstates any apparent philosophical appeal of his narrative, and the result is a bloated, 2-hour-plus meditation which doesn't really go anywhere, even despite some decent work from Marlon Brando in a brief supporting role. On the plus side, it evidently gave Depp his Jack Sparrow look, so there's that... In terms of follow-ups, Depp reportedly completed a documentary about Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards last year, though we're still waiting to see that one materialise...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.