7 Actors Who Were Pissed Off At Animated Parodies Of Themselves

1. Tom Cruise In South Park

South Park Tom Cruise
Comedy Central

South Park has a long history of annoying celebrities, it's basically second nature for the show. Maybe one of their most popular celebrity parodies is that of actor Tom Cruise. In the episode Trapped in the Closet, taken from season nine, the actor is not portrayed in a flattering light.

Where to even start? Cruise is portrayed in the show as neurotic, obsessed with getting approval from L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology), and secretly homosexual. The repeated phrase of 'Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet', which is in reference to Cruise hiding in Stan's closet after believing that L. Ron considers Leonardo DiCaprio a better actor, was stoking the rumors that the actor might not be straight.

And of course, the relentless mocking of Scientology, Cruise's religion, probably did sit right with him. It was so bad that many rumors circulated that the actor might sue the show's creators. And though no lawsuit ever materialized, it's easy to see why people thought it might.

Cruise reportedly threatened to stop promoting Paramount's Mission Impossible 3 if they aired the episode multiple times. Viacom, which owns both Paramount and Comedy Central, apparently listened to these demands as the episode was not rebroadcast and another was shown in its place. Cruise's publicist denied that he made such claims.

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