7 Behind-The-Scenes Additions That Would Make MCU Phase 4 Brilliant
How long until the stars of The Raid get involved in Disney's most popular franchise?

In less than a month San Diego Comic-Con will commence and Marvel Studios are set to unveil the line-up of films that will make up Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
After Avengers: Endgame, it would be fair to dismiss the series as the Infinity Saga came to a close and we tearfully said goodbye to characters who had been around since the beginning. So, with Phase 4 set to reinvent the franchise in a big way, what behind-the-scenes shake-ups can we expect to make things distinctly different?
Creative decisions made by producers, writers and directors aren't celebrated as much as the performances of the cast. For instance, while Ben Kingsley sold the hell out of the Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3, the twist itself was still a decision made by someone behind the camera; Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the writers behind Winter Soldier, Civil War and the last two Avengers films, rarely get a chance in the spotlight.
So to keep things fresh and exciting in the MCU, here are some suggestions of people who could shake things up in Phase Four from behind the camera...
7. Motion Capture/Voice Actor - Troy Baker
1385246Forever teetering on the edge of Marvel with direct-to-DVD films, video games and TV series, Troy Baker has brushed up against a variety of superhero characters from both the DC and Marvel universes.
With an arsenal of voices behind him, his accented masks allow him to slip from one character to the next almost unnoticeably in his efforts.
The mannerisms and tones he brings to his characters are interesting too; watch the mo-cap footage of him playing Joel from The Last of Us, or his interpretation of Mark Hamill's Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins, and you'll see he's got a few tricks up his sleeve with the voices he plays.
Inserting Troy Baker into the role of an animated CGI character in the ever-expanding cosmic MCU world would not only give audiences a new Alan Tudyk to rally behind, but his shape-shifting voice is enough to warrant his part in more than one role.