7 Behind-The-Scenes Additions That Would Make MCU Phase 4 Brilliant

6. Composer - Trent Reznor

The Raid Marvel Studios

Admittedly the Nine Inch Nails frontman sounds like a crazy choice to add to the MCU production team, but at the same time it's that kind of crazy choice that could make one of the next films so gosh-darned entertaining.

Orchestral crescendos are uplifting as the heroes suit up for their big finale battle, and Captain Marvel and Guardian's of the Galaxy's soundtracks do make for an enjoyable playlist to listen to, but the scores for Captain America: Winter Soldier and Civil War by Henry Jackman fill you more with terror than excitement.

A low and long score is exactly what won Trent his Oscar, and while that is admittedly not grounds to give this man the remote for the music on a Doctor Strange or Spider-Man movie, his acute sense of sound that can escalate calm to conflict would be immersive as hell in the theatres and indicate to moviegoers that things are about to get really twisted.

Still not convinced? Take those low rattling beats from The Social Network and play them over an imaginary clip of (the inevitably arriving) Norman Osborn as he scans footage of Spider-Man, and ask yourself if you don't have chills then.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!