7 Best Action Movie Beatdowns Of 2013

1. Superman Vs Zod - Man Of Steel

Man Of Steel is still one of the most hotly debated films of 2013. Many hated it, some loved it and others still want to pretend it never happened: for me, it was an enthralling experience and thought Zack Snyder and company did a good job of reintroducing the Man of Steel to a new generation. Before the final giant fight sequence between General Zod and Superman occurs (where Metropolis basically dies), Superman takes on Zod and his minions in a bout to save his mother. The scene is great because Superman is clearly still someone getting used to his powers as he's thrown into a bank vault and Zod mocks him as the simple farm-boy he claims he has become. The Man Of Steel sucker punches Zod a bunch and flies him through buildings, corn fields and other various objects all while trying to protect his mother's honour. It's a great action movie beatdown because we root for Superman despite the odds. We can see Henry Cavill showing the Man of Steel's naivety while also displaying the superhero's potential as a saviour to the world. Michael Shannon does great work as Zod handing Superman's ass to him, for the most part. The scene tops this list because it's the most important action movie beatdown of the year: it let us know that the Man of Steel didn't start off as a winner and it's a beating he certainly won't forget (though he did edge out a win there at the end). Which 2013 beatdowns should have made this list? Share your own picks below in the comments thread.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.