7 Classic Films George Lucas Ripped Off For The Star Wars Prequels

2. Minority Report

Minority In an additional action sequence Attack Of The Clones really didn't need, Anakin, Padmé and the droids find themselves trapped in a battle droid production line. While Padmé plays the damsel in distress for the manly R2 to save the day, Anakin gets pinned down by a machine and has to avoid all sorts of contraptions to keep himself in one piece. Audiences back when the film premiered could be excused for having an odd sensation of Déjà vu. The scene is almost identical to one in middle of Minority Report where Tom Cruise's John Anderton goes through the exact same beats as Anakin, except in a brightly lit car factory. There€™s plenty of cases where films have similar scenes or themes released at the same time, but the reason behind this is pure rip off. We already know Lucas and Spielberg are good friends, with Spielberg dropping in on the production of all the Star Wars films. Clearly it works both ways; Lucas must have seen some element of the long gestating Minority Report and added a similar plot beat in his movie (the scene feels much more at home in Spielberg's sci-fi).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.