7 Classic Films George Lucas Ripped Off For The Star Wars Prequels

1. Blade Runner

Blade Runner The history of the centre of the Republic has had a long genesis. The planet Coruscant first appears in Timothy Zahn's fan favourite Thrawn trilogy as a sprawling metropolis. It finally appeared on screen in the Special Editions during the celebrations of the Emperor's death, but it was two years later we got to spend a length of time there. The Coruscant section of The Phantom Menace has the movie hit a standstill, with tedious plot convolutions and a backdrop with little personality. It€™s only in Attack Of The Clones that we get to fully explore the city and it seems awfully familiar. From the slanted buildings bathed in orange sunset to the red hued industrial district, it's all very much Blade Runner. Now Ridley Scott's magnum opus does adopt the used future Star Wars introduced and has a stamp on much of modern sci-fi (just look at the urban setting of last year's Total Recall). But with the prequels, the shoe's on the other foot; the design is coming from Blade Runner. When Anakin and Obi-Wan chase Zam Wessell through the city this becomes painfully obvious; the plumes of fire the speeders have to swerve around are nigh on identical to the much larger ones that define the future Los Angeles skyline. So that's our seven films George Lucas ripped off for his prequel trilogy. Are there any more we've not mentioned? Let us know below in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.