7 Classics From The 1980s That Surprisingly Weren't Big At The Box Office

5. The Terminator

The Terminator

The Terminator made the careers of James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger in one fell swoop. Along the way, it blended special effects like no one had tried before and spawned several sequels. This is THE sci-fi action movie of the decade. Well in reality, it only made $38.4 million (worth $87 million today) and was less popular than The Great Mouse Detective, Hannah and Her Sisters, and Yentl. It didn't even crack the top 20 of the year it was released, 1984. What recent movie performed as well as Total Film's 72nd greatest movie ever made? The Galifianakas/Farrell comedy The Campaign. Do you think "They'll be back"

I like to be thought of as well rounded in my nerdom. Film, sports, geocaching, podcasting and board games all tickle my fancy. When it comes to movies, I like to look at older films and compare eras.