7 Classics From The 1980s That Surprisingly Weren't Big At The Box Office

6. Pretty In Pink

duckie pretty in pink

Every girl from the 80s looks upon Pretty in Pink as an intimate peek into what it meant to be a female outsider. Molly Ringwald represented every person who was on the wrong side of the tracks looking up at the BMWs and pastel clothes. Surely all those teen girls saw this movie. Well, it did take in $40.5 million upon its release in 1986 (worth $85 million today). What was more popular during the 80s? K-9, The Great Outdoors, and Cheech and Chong's Next Movie. Jon Cryer may always be the Duckman, but a German Shepard, Dan Aykroyd, and weed beat him at the box office. The current film that made about as much adjusted money: Real Steel. Rock-em Sock-em Robots and Andie are equal in the box office's eyes.

I like to be thought of as well rounded in my nerdom. Film, sports, geocaching, podcasting and board games all tickle my fancy. When it comes to movies, I like to look at older films and compare eras.