7 Comic Book Movies That Deserve A Reboot (And 6 That Don’t)

6. Spawn

Spawn-Movie This one is apparently already in the pipeline - and so it should be. Spawn is an awesome character and, while the previous attempt wasn't too bad as a standalone entity (although it really wasn't that good either), it didn't really do the character from the source material justice. The first Spawn movie came in 1997 and starred Michael Jai White in the lead role, with John Leguizamo supporting as Violator the Clown and Martin Sheen as the former CIA operative's corrupt boss. The character was nowhere near as powerful as his comic book counterpart and the CGI, even for the time, was pretty horrific. The movie made $87m at the box office, however, showing there is an audience. So, if they were to get the movie right, it would be well worth a rebooted effort. Rumour has it, however, that the project currently being led by Todd McFarlane will focus more on the human side of the character, which would actually suck.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.