7 Comic Book Movies That Deserve A Reboot (And 6 That Don’t)

5. Supergirl

supergirl-1983-07-g There aren't enough movies about female superhero characters. To be fair, there aren't really that many who are popular enough to justify it, but Supergirl is certainly one of them and amidst the furore of the impending DC Cinematic Universe, it could be a great time to start considering another Supergirl movie. Let's be honest, the first attempt starring Helen Slater back in 1984 was terrible. It attempted to take advantage of the success of the Christopher Reeve Superman series of films (from which it was a spin-off) and failed miserably. It had a budget of $35m and only grossed $14m, making a huge loss, but that was then and this is now. Supergirl was hinted at in the recent Man of Steel movie, as an open sarcophagus was clearly visible when Clark was wandering around the Kryptonian scout ship.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.