7 Crazy Harry Potter Fan Theories (That Are Totally Believable)

3. It Was All A Dream

Neville Longbottom Wand
Warner Bros.

A classic theory that has been applied to just about every fantasy film or novel out there, this depressing theory states that Harry after being stuck in the cupboard being starved and beaten by The Dursleys was driven insane and dreamt up the whole Wizarding world in an attempt to escape the horrifying reality of his life.

J.K Rowling herself addressed the theory by saying "I’ve heard it suggested to me more than once that Harry actually did go mad in the cupboard, and that everything that happened subsequently was some sort of fantasy life he developed to save himself". She did not go on to confirm the theory, but then again she didn't deny it either.

It is also worth mentioning Dumbledore's line towards the end of The Deathly Hallows when Harry asks if what he is seeing is just inside his head, Dumbledore responds "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?. Could this be a hint from J.K that the dream theory is real?"


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