7 Crazy Star Wars Fan Theories People Actually Believed

6. Palpatine Is A Clone

Senator palpatine

Although it was obvious to die-hards (they're played by the same actor after all), the reveal that Chancellor Palpatine was in fact the Sith Lord behind the events of the entire prequel trilogy came as shock to vast swathes of the audience, particularly those too young to have experienced the originals. It's one of the newer film's best elements, with Lucas smartly keeping things toned down enough that the character arc could convincingly work on two levels.

In the mind of some fans who knew all too well the identity of the Emperor, however, it still wasn't a dead cert. Some people found Palpatine such a nice, humble man that they couldn't believe he was really the puppet master of the whole saga, so concocted a theory that he was actually a clone of the real Darth Sidious; an innocent tool in the plot, Palpatine would rise to power, then be replaced with the real Sith Lord.

The Star Wars universe has clones and it would explain away how the ultimate evil could hide in plain sight of the Jedi, but it really whacks of idealistic fans refusing to read the evidence in front of them.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.