7 Crazy Star Wars Fan Theories People Actually Believed

5. Chewbacca And R2-D2 Are Rebel Spies

Chewy R2d2

Here's a theory that does the rounds a fair bit, but given how lacking in holes it is it really deserves a mention.

In Revenge Of The Sith we meet Chewbacca as a high-up Wookie warrior and see R2-D2, unlike C-3PO, doesn't get his mind wiped after witnessing Anakin become Darth Vader. So why doesn't Chewie go crazy when he realises Luke's been training with his old friend Yoda or Artoo fill Luke in on everything from the moment he meets him?

The answer is that those two are actually Rebel spies in deep cover. For R2 to know more than he's letting on makes a lot of sense, but it's when you pair him with the walking carpet that things get interesting. Not just a side-kick, Chewbacca has been plotting with Obi-Wan, R2 and other Rebel leaders to get the Death Star plans to the Alliance for a long, hence why he's in Mos Eisley at all.

It's hard to disprove as both characters obviously never speak in anything intelligible, which means pretty much any slight against the theory can be explained away. Suddenly the jovial holochess game becomes an important reunion between two old friends.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.