7 Dead Movie Characters Returning Soon

1. Natasha Romanoff

Amazing Spider Man 2 Electro
Marvel Studios

In a movie brimming with emotional gut punches, one of Avengers: Endgame's most impactful moments was the very permanent death of Natasha Romanoff.

As Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow sacrifices herself to retrieve the Soul Stone, the catch of Widow's sacrifice is that this is one such death that has to remain in place in order for the overarching narrative of Endgame to play out and for Earth's Mightiest Heroes to be able to take down Thanos and snap so many millions of people back into existence.

That said, the totally, totally, totally dead Natasha is returning to action shortly. In fact, Nat should've already been back on the silver screen were it not for the ongoing global situation.

Finally getting the chance to headline her own movie, Johansson's Black Widow picture was originally due to be released this past May. The landscape of 2020 saw the feature become one of the multitude of movies that have seen their release dates pulled due to the reality of a theatrical release being financial suicide for big-budget films at the moment - and Black Widow is now tentatively booked in for May 2021.

While we don't quite know just how other deceased characters will be soon returning to our screens, it's a very cut and dried situation with Black Widow - for this is a prequel offering, set between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.

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Black Widow
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