7 Directors Who Went To Extraordinary Lengths To Fix Past Mistakes
6. John Hughes Made Some Kind Of Wonderful To Have The Pretty In Pink Ending He Wanted
Although he didn't direct it, Pretty In Pink is regarded as one of the classic John Hughes high-school movies, with it serving as a generational touchstone and widely acclaimed by critics and audiences. Unless, of course, you were Hughes himself, who wasn't happy with the version that made it to cinemas.
In his original take, Andy ended the movie with her best friend Duckie, but this ending tested badly with audiences, and the studio instead mandated the change that she get together with the more traditional lead type Blane.
As a response, Hughes went on to make Some Kind Of Wonderful, swapping the genders around but telling the story he wanted Pretty In Pink to have: Keith, the Andy of the story, falls in love with his tomboyish best friend Watts, rather than the most-popular-girl-in-school Amanda. To really hammer the point home, Hughes had wanted Mollie Ringwald to star, but she ultimately turned the project down.