7 Disney Characters Who Probably Died After The Credits Rolled

Those credits serve another purpose: to mask the horrors of inevitable death.

It's an unwritten rule that Disney characters must go through a lot of sh*t before they're allowed to live happily ever after. It doesn't matter if you're a fully-fledged human being or a talking animal with heaps of personality - much heartache, violent trauma and harrowing death must take place in the lead up to a peaceful resolution of the fuzzy kind. But what if those "happy endings" at the end of Disney films were just an illusion? What if, once the credits started rolling, behind the scenes things didn't pan out quite as well as the movies in question led you to think they did? What if the heroes inherent to some of Disney's classic animated movies actually had their worst times ahead of them? You know, in the dark ambiguousness of the end credits sequence. Disney movies exist in a reality of their own, of course - one that doesn't necessarily obey the rules of our own. This article wouldn't make much sense in the context of the ideal fanaticism that Disney films tend to cling to, of course, so consider the following entries as a departure from that magic: it's a step away from the trademark twee in order to weigh what might've happened to certain characters had they been born in the real world. Here are 7 Disney characters who you didn't realise probably died horrible, unexpected deaths in the aftermath of their respective stories...


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.