7 Disney Characters Who Probably Died After The Credits Rolled

3. Jane Porter & Her Father Probably Died From A Tropical Disease - Tarzan

Tarzan chronicles the rainforest-based adventures of a man left parentless on a tropical island off the coast of Africa, who is subsequently raised by apes. Later, he encounters Jane Porter and her father, Professor Porter, who come to the island to study gorillas. Disney's adaptation of Tarzan isn't the same as the book on which it was based, though, especially in its choice of ending: whilst the original novel has Tarzan moving to America whilst Jane gets married to another man, the Disney version has Jane and her father giving up their lives in London for a more exotic existence in Africa. That's all well and good, and a far happier note to end this wonderful tale on, and yet.. surely Jane and the Professor would succumb to all kinds of tropical diseases living in the jungle amongst a group of apes? At the time the film is set, a lot of the diseases like malaria, and cholera didn't have names, but they still existed. If Jane is rubbing shoulders with apes, what's to stop a flea from biting her and inflicting the poor woman with typhus? Tarzan has lived on the island his entire life, of course, so he would have been made immune to most of the nasty diseases lurking in this faux paradise. But Jane and the Professor? If they're hanging in the undergrowth, spending their time in the company of animals, for God's sake, they're likely to wind up being infected with something awful. Remember, too, that this was the 19th century: there weren't any cures for these diseases - especially on an island in the middle of nowhere. If Jane or the Professor get sick in this deceivingly harsh environment, they're pretty much screwed.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.