7 Disney Characters Who Probably Died After The Credits Rolled

4. Carl Fredricksen Probably Died Of Old Age Not Long After The Events Of The Film - Up

Up tells the story of a grouchy old man/widower named Carl Fredricksen, who - one da - decides to strap a bunch of balloons to his house and fly off on a madcap adventure, thus fulfilling the life long dream he shared with his wife before she died. In the process of lift-off, though, Carl accidentally forgets to check his porch for young Asian kids, and so it turns out that Russell - a Boy Scout - has inadvertedly hitched a ride. As such, this unlikely duo wind up going on amazing journey together, and - in the process - subsequently filling a hole in one other's lives. Carl learns to love again in the wake of his wife's death, whilst Russell - a kid from a broken home - gains a new father figure. Up ends with a heartwarming scene in which Carl presents Russell with his final Boy Scout badge, and everything appears to be hunky dory as the credits roll. Except, wait... Carl is 78-years-old, an age which just happens to be the average life-span of an American male - he hasn't likely got long to go. Not only are his chances of death in the aftermath of this "happy" story pretty high, then, but there's a good chance that his death will screw up Russell, who - after already losing one father figure - is about to lose another one. The statistics are against ol' Carl on this one, unfortunately, especially after the physical turmoil he experienced across the span of the film. Think of poor Russell - tragic!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.