2. The Legend Of The Titanic Has The Ship Sunk By An Octopus Tricked By A Gang Of Sharks Driven By Whaling Rights. No, Seriously.
The correct description in the films title really should be Myth, because beyond having the ship existing and coming into contact with an iceberg theres pretty much nothing based on the actual story here. Key story elements (its told in a flashback from the present day and features a rich girl forced to wed against her will who falls in love with a man below her class) suggest that as with The Legend Goes On this is meant to be riding the success of James Camerons film. Yet while that story runs through and travels towards a predictable end, the film really seems much more interested with the events of the sinking. You know the one; a despicable whaler plots a fake marriage to steal rights to new territory, but once magic dolphins blow his cover he has to enlist a gang of sharks to sink the ship, who in turn trick a giant octopus to move an iceberg in the Titanics path. But dont worry - the octopus realises the error of his ways and holds the ship up until everyone has time to get off. Phew. And that summary doesn't even fully highlight how outlandish the whole thing is, nor even scratch the surface of what the producers were smoking when creating the straight-to-VHS movie. Unbelievably, this is the film whose success led to the earlier offender, but quite why this made a dramatic departure from the truth seem like a good idea Ill never know.