7 Golden Rules To Revive The Fantastic Four Franchise

6. Put The Focus On Ben

It can be hard to form sympathies for four different character dealing with the fallout of gaining powers. There€™s a lot of narrative pull there without considering all the other beats of peril and heroism that superhero movies have to hit. The logical thing to do would be to draw focus to one of the four, letting us see the actions and reactions of the team through one set of eyes, and to my mind Ben Grimm would be the prime candidate. The resentment at the heart of the FF has always been that Reed, Johnny and Sue get nothing but benefits from their powers, in fact they flourish and become the best versions of themselves possible, whilst Ben becomes a monster to be shunned on the street. The Thing is a monster with a big heart though, and a thin skin (figuratively speaking at least) so focusing on his journey to acceptance whilst watching the other three embrace stardom would be a novel way of humanising the team whilst attracting audience sympathies. It€™d be a neat trick to pull off, not least because the FF has to be an ensemble piece, but the supposedly normal members of a dysfunctional family are always best viewed through eyes of the least normal.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.