7 Golden Rules To Revive The Fantastic Four Franchise

3. Keep Doctor Doom In The Shadows

Fans love Doctor Doom. He stands beside Magneto as the most interesting villain in the Marvel Universe because he€™s such a uniquely self-glorifying and complicated character. It€™s a constant source of pain that the character rights are locked down by fox, especially when he could be playing with Iron Man and Cap just as easily. Fox have had two chances to tackle Victor Von Doom to date and both times they€™ve come up short. The 2005 series saw Nip/Tuck€™s Julian McMahon play Doom as a ridiculous preening peacock rather than a self-assuredly arrogant despot, whilst Toby Kebbell, a fantastic actor who could have been a stirring Von Doom, got no character to dig into in the 2015 film It pains me to say, but any future FF film would do well to keep Doom firmly in the background, possibly working as a more machiavellian, manipulative force on our heroes€™ lives. The backstory should also be brought closer in line to the comics, with Doom blaming Reed for his disfigurement, lending weight to the hatred that spurs their conflict, a conflict that could be brought more to the fore in a later film instead of blowing its load first time again.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.