7 Great Batman Characters Yet To Appear In A Movie

3. Cassandra Cain

ClayFace Batgirl
DC Comics

Batman movies need more martial arts. Ask any fan what they liked most (if anything) about 2016's Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and they'll probably have the same answer: the warehouse fight scene, in which Batman goes to the rescue of Martha Kent. What we saw was a brutal extended action sequence - one that was thankfully easy to follow, no less - in which we got to see Batman beat the crap out of a bunch of Lex Luthor's goons. It was a joy.

Now who wouldn't want to see more of that? It'd be foolish to just blithely insert more of the same action, though. And seeing as audiences are more than familiar with Bruce Wayne's Tragic Backstory, why not use the opportunity to introduce another tortured protagonist - one who's skill with martial arts is integral to the character?

The fourth Batgirl (also known as Blackbat and Orphan), Cassandra Cain was raised by her father David to be the ultimate assassin, to the point where she was never taught to speak. And rather than reading in the typical sense, Cain was taught to read her opponent's body language, thus becoming able to anticipate their moves during combat. Like a psychic ninja.

Of course, this member of the Bat Family is more than just an excuse for fisticuffs involving lots of leather. She's been homeless, and her feelings of abandonment have led her on a path of self-destruction and death, with her relationships with other Bat Family members becoming fraught over the years.

Who Should Play Her: This might be tricky. Cain's muteness is one of her defining traits, so any actress taking on the role would have to abandon one of their greatest assets - their voice. It'd have to be someone very capable of communicating non-verbally whilst projecting both vulnerability and severity.

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Professional idiot. Only doing this to support my financially crippling addiction to scented candles.