7 Great Batman Villains (Still Yet To Appear In A Film)

5. Anarky

Clayface Batman
DC Comics

Part of what makes a film’s villain great is their timeliness. The impact of Heath Leader’s Joker, for instance, was heightened by his nihilistic approach to authority and order in a world that was turning against governmental elements in the wake of the Great Recession and seemingly pyrrhic conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Anarky has never been more than a b-list villain, but his anti-capitalistic agenda is particularly well-suited to the contemporary world still affected economically by the poor financial decision-making of the past few decades. Bitter political divides exist in the likes of the United States and United Kingdom over widening levels of income inequality between rich and poor and the more exploitative elements of capitalism that have ensured the current generation will be lesser off than their forebears for the first time in history.

A committed anarchist (the clue is in the name), Anarky could present a huge dilemma to Batman, leading a movement that could take advantage of the aforementioned divides to wreak havoc on Gotham. The Dark Knight would be obligated to stop such chaos, despite potentially sympathising with the objectives of the cause at hand.

Bruce Wayne could also be well worked into such a plot given that his status as a billionaire puts him at odds with Anarky’s ilk. Putting his civilian identity into a situation that his masked one cannot necessarily fight out of is an interesting yet rarely seen dynamic with lots of potential.

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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.