7 Most Anticipated Movie Scenes Still To Come In 2015

2. Single-Take Battle Scene - The Revenant

The Scene: It's actually tough to single this down to one single battle scene, because if the recently-released first trailer for The Revenant makes anything clear, it's that a) the film has a ton of battle sequences and b) a lot of them are probably going to be one-shot single-take scenes. Accounts from those who have worked on the production have confirmed that at least a couple of the battles will unfold this way. Why We Can't Wait To See It: Because if Alejandro G. Iñárritu proved anything with his Best Director and Best Picture-winning Birdman, it's that the guy knows how to pull off technically astonishing set-pieces, with the help of his trusty cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (who is also lensing The Revenant). Footage shown off so far depicts an extremely grizzled Leonardo DiCaprio taking part in a battle scene on the ground and then riding on horseback and firing back at his enemies in another, and whichever one of the many battles ends up being the stand-out, it's surely going to be one of the most exhilarating movie moments of the year. With a somewhat chaotic production and spiraling budget, it's possible that the movie could be a bust, but with so many proven talents on-board, it just doesn't seem very likely. Expect a dumptruck full of Oscar coming this movie's way next February.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.