7 Most Anticipated Movie Scenes Still To Come In 2015

3. Steve Jobs Unveils The iMac - Steve Jobs

The Scene: It's already known that Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin's biopic of the Apple pioneer revolves around three ground-breaking product launches in the company's history, and according to the official synopsis, the film reportedly climaxes with Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) unveiling the iMac in 1998. Why We Can't Wait To See It: Boyle, Sorkin and Fassbender are an extremely enviable team to have aboard a project like this, and while watching some guy show off some new computer equipment doesn't sound like the most riveting cinematic experience in the world, with Boyle's kinetic filmmaking chops, Sorkin's rat-a-rat, quick-fire writing and Fassbender's sure-to-be-chameleonic performance, there's no reason why this final portion of the film won't give Jobs the rousing send-off he deserves. Quite how far Boyle will push the film as an emotional tribute will remain to be seen (after all, there are many who don't much care for Jobs as a person), but as long as it sidesteps feeling like an advertisement for Apple (something of a tough feat given the three launches the movie covers), a strong close should give it a firm place in the Oscar conversation.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.