7 Most Convincing Harry Potter Fan Theories

4. A Scene In The Deathly Hallows Sums Up The Trio's Entire Journey

This one is extremely cool, and is surely absolutely intentional. During the climatic battle at the end of Death Hallows: Part 2, Harry, Ron and Hermione are seen rushing from one end of Hogwarts to another. Along the way they encounter various threats, each of which they despatch with relative ease. The first threat they face is a massive troll-like creature wielding a massive weapon. The second threat is a bunch of spiders. The third is Fenrir Greyback - a werewolf that they stumble upon eating the lifeless corpse of Lavender Brown. After that, the Dementors appear. If you haven't figured it out by now, this is clearly a representation of the gang's entire journey through Hogwarts and the preceding books. In Philosopher€™s Stone, they go up against a troll in the dungeon. In Chamber Of Secrets, they meet Aragog and his army of spiders. In the Prisoner Of Azkaban, there's Professor Lupin the werewolf. And Goblet Of Fire introduces the Dementors. Not only that, but the scene ends with the arrival of the Order Of The Phoenix, and is followed up by the gang travelling to The Half-Blood Prince (Snape). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJH2VSfQvYM
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.