7 Most Overrated Comic Book Movie Performances

4. Gal Gadot - Wonder Woman - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Wonder Woman Logo
Warner Bros. Pictures

If you read through a bunch of reviews for the recent Batman v Superman movie, you'll notice that the majority of critics found time to single out praise for actress Gal Gadot, who played Diana Prince - A.K.A. Wonder Woman - in Zack Snyder's critically-derided picture.

Reading these reviews, I was was struck with a single thought: "Why?" Gadot was barely required to do anything in the film; she spends most of the picture slinking around in revealing cocktail dresses and flirting with Ben Affleck because that's what the movie thinks that these characters need to do because they're different genders.

When she finally arrives as Wonder Woman, dressed in the iconic garb, she doesn't say much at all. How was it possible for so many critics and fans to make their mind up on Gal Gadot so quickly? She didn't give us anywhere near enough to prove herself as a great Wonder Woman, not to mention her accent felt a little bit off.

That's not to say she was bad; she was just okay. To suggest that she "stole" the film on the basis of her performance, though? It's just lunacy. Unless you count "typing on a laptop" as good acting.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.