7 Most Overrated Comic Book Movie Performances

5. Michael Fassbender - Magneto - X-Men: First Class/X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men First Class Magneto Eric Michael Fassbender
20th Century Fox

There's no denying a simple truth regarding the on-screen Magnetos: Ian McKellen was the bomb. And so there is no use pretending that anything Michael Fassbender has done in the role since compares to what Ian McKellen did when he decided to wear that uncomfortable-looking helmet for the sum of five X-Men movies.

Fans have apparently taken to Michael Fassbender in the role of Magneto like a duck takes to water, though; they implored his initial performance in X-Men: First Class as if it was something of a revelation. Really? He's fine in the film, but it's not a performance you remember, is it? It doesn't stick with you the way McKellen's did.

As such, Magneto grants Fassbender one of his least interesting roles to date - he made more of an impression during the 20 minutes he was on-screen in Quentin Tarantino's war flick Inglourious Basterds than he does in any of these films.

Despite that, I still consider Michael Fassbender to be fair enough choice for the younger incarnation of the character, but can we talk about that accent for a second? It's all over the place! In X-Men: First Class, he sounds Irish/German, whilst in the next movie - Days of Future Past - he's English/Irish/German/Something. It's like he keeps forgetting and then remembering to do an accent.

So, sure, he's okay here, albeit inconsistent and a bit forgettable. Not a performance to exactly celebrate, though, c'mon.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.