7 Most Unexpected Ways Movies Had An Impact On Real Life

1. The Passion Of The Christ Makes Someone Confess To The Perfect Murder

The Passion Of The Christ

Dan Leach had committed the perfect murder and gotten away with it. He had made his girlfriend's murder look like a suicide by anti-depressant medications, and the police had already ruled it so. A couple of months later Leach was at the movies watching Mel Gibson's controversial picture, The Passion of The Christ, and when the film ended, Leach knew something must be done. So he rushed to find a spiritual adviser, told him the movie had made him want to confess his crimes, and then walked right into the police station and admitted he was responsible for the murder.

Leach was facing life in prison, but that did not seem to matter to him. Maybe we should keep this in mind next time Mel Gibson screws up: no matter what he says, at least he helped put a murderer behind bars. All forgiven?


Ricardo lives in El Salvador and occasionally writes for Cracked.com