7 Movie Characters Who Gave Love A Bad Name

6. Jack Dawson - Titanic

Titanic You may say that Jack Dawson actually gives love a very good name. He saves Rose from a life of misery with arrogant wankpot Cal Hockley, and provides her with around three hours or so of blissful happiness. But that's the problem. After Jack drowns, Rose is left with the slightly troublesome fact that no man can ever live up to him. It is, for want of a better phrase, all down hill from here. Think about it - Jack is a disgustingly good looking and carefree wanderer who also happens to be a talented artist. Rose was always going to fall for him. But the first three hours of a relationship rarely present much strife. Even Kim Kardashian can last that long without calling her divorce lawyer. It's the subsequent however many months or years that provide love's acid test. For all Rose knows, Jack could have an incredibly irritating humming habit, or perhaps he's really into jazz, or alternative early 20th century comedy, or whatever. But she'll never find out. Thus Jack becomes the image of the perfect man in her head, and as such all subsequent men will be disappointments. Rose has had her fill of real love, and it lasted all of three hours. As the film shows, she lives to be an incredibly old woman and have children and presumably a house in Surrey and a Volvo and the whole shebang. But let's face it, after watching Jack sink under water, it was probably all a bit of a drag.

Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk