7 Movie Parodies That Somehow Happened For Real

1. Galaxy Quest Basically Predicted Star Trek: Picard

Galaxy Quest Picard
DreamWorks & CBS

It's no secret that Galaxy Quest is a wonderfully warm-hearted parody of Star Trek, while also engaging with nerd culture and intense fandom in prescient ways which remain just as relevant - if not more so - in the age of social media.

The film memorably ends with the Galaxy Quest TV series being revived some 18 years after its original run, which reflects the fact that Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered 18 years after Star Trek: The Original Series concluded.

But recent history has made the parallel even more hilarious, as the upcoming TNG follow-up Star Trek: Picard will premiere next year, another 18 years after Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) last appeared on screen, in 2002's movie Star Trek: Nemesis.

Back in 1999, Galaxy Quest's filmmakers could've never anticipated how aggressive "revival culture" would become, with dozens of defunct series now getting (mostly half-baked) comebacks.

But the movie's revival of its own chintzy sci-fi TV series was clearly done with the tongue sticking firmly in the cheek, and yet, the upcoming Picard appears to be a relatively serious-minded sequel to the TNG era. Go figure.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.