7 Movies That Christian Bale Completely Changed His Body For

4. Bruce Wayne/Batman €“ Batman Begins

Perhaps even more impressive and admirable than dropping 63 pounds for a role, is miraculously gaining it all back and then some within one year, to portray one of the most iconic characters in all of entertainment; Batman. Here€™s the kicker though; Bale truly took to heart Director Christopher Nolan€™s aspirations of getting as big as possible. So much that Bale blew up to around 220 pounds and became considered overweight to play Bruce Wayne. A rather amusing tidbit is that the cast and crew began calling Bale Fatman instead of Batman. Nevertheless, Bale shed 20 pounds and was raring to go by the time the crew was ready to begin shooting. I€™d say everything was rather successful and worked too considering Batman Begins spawned what is feverishly debated as one of the greatest trilogies in film, let alone superhero romps.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.