7 Movies That Christian Bale Completely Changed His Body For

3. Dieter Dengler €“ Rescue Dawn

It wasn€™t long after Batman Begins that Bale was fearlessly accepting more challenging roles that required him to punish his body. To be fair though, Rescue Dawn is a film by Werner Herzog whom is pretty notorious for inflicting some harsh physical and mental conditions on his actors. It was ultimately just another year of harsh dieting for Bale though. Christian Bale may have lost some serious weight and began looking disturbingly anorexic again but he wasn€™t alone this time, as co-stars Steve Zahn and Jeremy Davies also were tasked with shedding a considerable number of pounds. Bale however, did burn the most calories coming in with a 55 pound weight loss to his co-stars 40 and 30 pounds respectively. And then of course he built his body mass back up within another two years €“ alongside appearing more regulated in films such as The Prestige- to continue along with Nolan€™s Dark Knight Trilogy.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.