7 Pieces Of Evidence That Brick Tamland Is A Time Traveller

2. For Absent Friends

In Anchorman 2, Brick attends his own funeral and pledges to find his killer. Most of those in attendance at the funeral seem to think that Brick is confused - but could it be quite the other way round? Time travel stories in sci-fi, like memorable examples in Doctor Who and Futurama, have taught us that a life lived out of order can lead to some rather complicated situations that are rarely properly understood by non-time travellers. Is it possible that in Anchorman 2, two Bricks were present at the funeral - one in the casket and one giving the eulogy? Even if that isn't the case, Brian Fantana explains that Brick's death is presumed after his disappearance chasing a bird out into the ocean. What if rather than disappearing, Brick has simply travelled in time and then returned in time for his funeral?

English guy, usually found knocking around Edinburgh. Likes films and that kind of thing.