7 Pieces Of Evidence That May Confirm The Joker Used To Be Robin

6. Matching Scars?

In the comics, The Joker beats Jason Todd (the second Robin) with a crowbar and leaves him to die in an explosion. How this Robin perishes isn't clear - if theories about him being Dick Grayson are true, he may still be alive - but the suit on display in the Batcave definitely features what looks like at least three bullet holes. Now, one fan has taken a closer look at that first official image of The Joker and seemingly matched up markings on Leto's body with where whoever was wearing that Robin suit would have scars from those bullet holes. They definitely appear to be in the right place, though it's worth noting that that the scar which should be on his upper abdomen can't be seen on Leto (it could be that they decided to cover that up in order to not make the connection too obvious or that one of those tattoos is somehow hiding it). There are those who claim that the marks on Leto are just part of his tattoos or where his skin is creasing as he strikes that pose as The Joker. That's certainly a solid enough counter argument, but when you take a closer look, those marks most definitely stand out on his body and it seems like too much of a coincidence that he would have them in exactly the same spot that Robin's costume is damaged.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.