7 Reasons Batman V Superman Should Still Leave You Optimistic For The DC Universe
6. This Is An Auteur Driven Universe
Say what you will about Zack Snyder, but the man does know how to construct a shot. His characterisation is weak, his treatment of women is like something out of the 1950s, and he seems to relish dwelling in the worst aspects of the characters he is bringing to life. But my word, what an absolutely gorgeous photographer he has proven himself to be.
Given the sheer abundance of ‘Synderisms’ in both Man of Steel and Batman V Superman, it is clear that Warner Bros gave Snyder full reign on their properties - which takes incredible bravery. While the results have not been perfect for them this time around, the respect for authorial control should make any film fan salivate with anticipation.
David Ayer has proven himself a gifted filmmaker, and his 2014 film Fury was one of the most original, tense, and brutally beautiful films produced in a genre that viewers felt they had seen everything in.
If Ayer has the kind of freedom that Snyder has been granted, then we could be in for something very special with Suicide Squad (although given the recent news of reshoots being undertaken, it is entirely possible his freedom is an illusion). Similarly, Ben Affleck has proven himself to be one of the finest Hollywood directors of the past decade with superb directorial efforts like Gone Baby Gone, the Town, and Argo. The concept of him getting free reign over a Batman film is a dream come true not just for him, but for fans as well.
It is early days yet, but if DC and WB are actively going to produce a product that counteracts the homogeneity of the Marvel Universe, these could be very exciting times for film fans.