7 Reasons Hell Or High Water Is The Best Film Of 2016 (So Far)

6. It Tackles Contemporary Themes

Hell Or High Water

Nobody in Hell or High Water is a saint. Each character is a little bit good, a little bit bad and a little big ugly. Well, the last one doesn't necessarily relate to Jeff Bridges who throughout sports a glorious moustache.

Anyway, despite these various flaws no character is an out and out antagonist. Even while they are ruthlessly robbing banks and causing chaos, the Howard brothers are certainly not the villains here. No, that honour belongs to the faceless corporate banks the Howard brothers are stealing from.

The gap between the rich and poor, the have and have-nots is vast and more often than not, especially in America, the banks are at fault. The myriad of socio-economic issues are too complex (meaning, I don't know enough about them) for this article, but basically the majority would agree that banks suck and the working class are very put upon.

Hell or High Water manages to present these themes with a certain grace, giving you just enough dialogue or imagery to make you see without being blinded. The film is sprinkled with intermittent shots of motionless oil wells and derelict towns and it is these images that make Hell or High Water very much a Western for modern times.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.