7 Reasons To Give Up Star Wars

1. There Is No Vision

star wars poster

The only vision right now is like when a cartoon character has dollar signs for eyes. Lucas may not have had a full vision for the saga when he started writing it, but he at least cared enough about the story to make things “rhyme.” (See Mike Klimo’s Star Wars Ring Theory for arguments that Lucas is actually a creative genius.) It can not be overstated that Disney will do what police procedural detectives do: follow the money.

Once the new Han Solo movie comes out and makes a billion dollars, it will prove that audiences will accept re-cast Star Wars roles. Prepare for a wave of even more prequel movies, where we find out what happened to the younger versions of literally every character we’ve ever seen accept Jar Jar Binks.

If people really like Donald Glover’s take on Lando Calrissian, he’ll get a movie of his own - whether or not that’s good for the franchise as a whole won’t matter; it’ll be good for making money. Remember Admiral Ackbar? Well what about Captain Ackbar? Don’t you want to see how he BECAME an admiral?!

Star Wars Admiral Ackbar

The only vision, the only plan of action here is: release a new Star Wars movie until the end of time. If the story comes to a good ending point that will conclude things logically, that will be ignored because the stream needs to remain steady. If you don’t think this will ultimately cheapen everything about Star Wars, by all means, watch every movie, record yourself watching the trailer, and fangasm to your heart’s content.

But if all of these things seem like bad signs, get out now. Find a new sci-fi franchise before you really become disgusted. This way, we won’t be complaining so loudly that the people who actually enjoy things as they are can’t enjoy themselves.


Trevor Gentry-Birnbaum spends most of his time sitting around and thinking about things that don't matter.