7 Reasons Why Jon Kasdan Is Perfect For Indiana Jones 5

1. The Spirit Of Ford

Raiders Lost Ark Harrison Ford Indiana Jones
Paramount Pictures

Most importantly, Kasdan just gets Harrison Ford. That may seem like a strange thing to say, considering the two have never actually worked on a film together before, but it's true.

One of the most surprisingly effective elements in Solo: A Star Wars Story, was the narrative's grasp on who Solo was as a character. It's what led to the incredible performance of Alden Ehrenreich and to the film truly feeling like the serial adventure stories of old. It's also no accident that that film plays out like a love letter to the work of Harrison Ford.

From the Blade Runner-style opening text, to the American Graffiti-inspired car chase sequence, to the Indiana Jones' style of layered action sequences, Kasdan's script for Solo understands and adores the work of Harrison Ford. Which is exactly why there's no better person to pen Ford's swan song.

Jon Kasdan grew up not only watching the Indiana Jones films but having a unique perspective, considering that his father wrote the first film. He's more than qualified for the job and just so happens to be a giant fan of the films and the character. He is the perfect choice to write Indiana Jones 5.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.