7 Reasons Why Jon Kasdan Is Perfect For Indiana Jones 5

2. Spielberg Needs To Knock This Out Of The Park

Raiders Lost Ark Harrison Ford Indiana Jones

There's a clear distinction between the Amblin-era films of Steven Spielberg and his more recent output.

Whereas the man used to craft sci-fi films that defined generations such as E.T. or Close Encounters, he now spends much of his time focusing on more 'mature' films like Lincoln or The Post. The Spielberg blockbuster is not nearly as ubiquitous as it once was, which is why it was such a big deal to see Spielberg return to the world of action filmmaking earlier this year with the stellar Ready Player One.

Considering that it has been heavily hinted at that this film will be both Ford's and his own last one, Spielberg needs to knock this film out of the park. Ready Player One proved that he is more than capable of delivering stunning action sequences with his trademark clarity, so long as he has a solid script to work with. So if there was any doubt about Koepp's script, the job needed to be turned over to someone else.

Indiana Jones is an iconic character and one of Ford's most wonderful roles. He deserves to go out on a high note, not the whimper that was Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. From Ford's recent performances in films such as The Force Awakens and Blade Runner 2049, we know he can deliver the goods. So can Spielberg with a strong script, and with Jon Kasdan behind the pen, that's exactly what audiences will get.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.