7 Reasons Why The Amazing Spider-Man is Better Than Prometheus

3. More Effective 3D

While the effects in Prometheus are magnificent, and are personally far superior to any film that I€™ve seen this year so far, I found the 3D rather pointless. By half way through the film, the only thing that reminded me I was watching a 3D film was the annoying glasses. Granted, the effects from start to finish are beautiful, but having seen the film 3 times in 2D and once in 3D, it looked just as good without the third dimension element. Most of the shots in Prometheus are interior, either in small rooms on board the ship or in dark caves, and even towards the climatic finish, seeing the Engineer€™s ship coming up out of the ground didn€™t really warrant 3D effects. Spider-Man utilised 3D from start to finish, with many external shots consisting of the obligatory first person swinging roof-to-roof views familiar with Spider-Man film. While the special effects weren€™t as stunning as Prometheus, the 3D at least made more of an impact and came across as more warranted.

A recent graduate in Film Studies, I am a massive film fan, in particular the Alien series and science fiction. Specialist topics include theories surrounding the masculine and maternal body, and Julie Kristeva's theory of abjection in relation to film.