7 Reasons Why The Amazing Spider-Man is Better Than Prometheus

4. Spidey Has a Bonafide Enemy

Who else truly believe that the creature in the chair in Alien was in fact a creature and not a suit? This is possibly my biggest let down in Prometheus. Turning the bizarre Space Jockey into a somewhat run-of-the-mill blue chap seemed like a bit of a cop out by Ridley. Although he was obviously CGI€™d, The Lizard at least was a more fun character to watch. It would have been great to use the character from the original Alien more, and not simply the humanoid Engineer character. After all, that is what many of us wanted: to see the original creature in action. The Lizard was also more of a nasty character, what with throwing cars off bridges and fight scenes with Spidey. By the time the Engineer stepped into the suit and chair towards the end of Prometheus, the audience didn't even see him until he was out of the suit again.

A recent graduate in Film Studies, I am a massive film fan, in particular the Alien series and science fiction. Specialist topics include theories surrounding the masculine and maternal body, and Julie Kristeva's theory of abjection in relation to film.