7 Reasons Why The Man Of Steel Trailer Is Actually Better Than The Movie

1. The Trailer Is Ultimately More Satisfying

man-of-steel-600x300 This may seem silly to most of you, but let's briefly - for the sake of the premise of this article - consider all mediums in the same category in terms of their enjoyment. Books, movies, TV shows, albums, trailers.... When I first sat down and watched the Man of Steel trailer, I felt pumped, invigorated, excited and satisfied. I know it's just a trailer, but taken as a piece of art (and I do think trailers could be considered an artform of sorts, too) it gave me all the things that the final movie simply didn't. Full stop. When I came out of the theatre having watched Man of Steel, I felt disappointed. That was it. It doesn't matter whether or not I had seen a whole movie as opposed to a few scenes: the experience of watching the trailer as a singular item gave me way more satisfaction. Now, of course, that's just a case of the movie not living up to the expectations I'd placed upon it having viewed the trailer a bunch of times. But if I had to put it down to one thing - did I get more pleasure from watching the Man of Steel trailer or from watching the movie - then I'd have to go with the trailer. It was a freakin' good trailer. Like this article? What did you make of Man of Steel? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.