7 Reasons Why The Rearranging Of Fox's Marvel Release Dates Is A Good Thing

5. More Deadpool Sooner And Closer To Avengers

x men dark phoenix
20th Century Fox

One of the most basic positives of the changes is that we will all get to feast our eyes on what Ryan Reynolds and company have in store for us in Deadpool 2, a full two weeks earlier than expected. Considering just how fervently the film has been anticipated, this is hardly rough news.

An interesting side effect of this bump-up is also that the film is now set for release just two weeks after Avengers: Infinity War. Considering the front-loaded nature of these films, Deadpool 2 is still far enough removed that Avengers shouldn't do too much damage.

In fact, it may wind up benefitting the former instead.

As speculated by analysts, the general public may very well see Deadpool 2 as a companion-piece to Avengers: Infinity War. Considering that the vast majority of the general public simply know Deadpool as a Marvel character, and just how blurred the lines truly are now between studios, this is highly probable.

This connection boasts the potential to benefit the film in every way, and even benefit Marvel as a whole. As they ease audiences into a world in which all of their characters will truly be united under one roof, having their larger-than-life culmination of everything that has come before it, being followed by the quirky misadventures of the merc-with-a-mouth, is a near-perfect way to set the tone.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.